Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Mark of Righteousness

"You cannot always distinguish them by their bark and leaves, nor by the spreading of their boughs, but by their fruits ye shall know them. The fruit is according to the tree. Men may, in their professions, put a force upon their nature, and contradict their inward principles, but the stream and bent of their practices will agree with them. By the fruits of their persons, their words and actions, and the course of their conversation. If you would know whether they be right or not, observe how they live; their works will testify for them or against them (Matthew Henry)."

There are many "good" people in the world that have done many "good" things for their fellow man. However, how good is good enough? How do we measure ourselves to be considered righteous before God; to be warranted passage to eternity with Him? The absolute epitome of leadership was given to us through Jesus' earthly ministry some 2000+ years ago. It was and subsequently is by His example we are to follow.

Father, thank you for the opportunity & desire to not only write these words, but to follow the practices of Your Word. We know that nothing is ever learned until it is put into practice. There are countless individuals in this world that know Your Word better than I, yet their hearts are hardened because they have not put Your principles into practice. It is my desire to honor You with this information that is being shared with the masses. I pray that it is correct in its context and interpretation. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.

In Matthew 7, verses 15 & 16 tell us that false prophets (Greek-pseudoprophetes) are recognized by their fruit (Greek-karpos; deed, activity; produce of a person) We must learn to recognize the good from the bad-similarly to recognizing ivy from poison ivy. John, in his writings found in 1 John 3 & 4, petition believers to "test the spirits". Those "believers" that produce good fruit are those that embrace and keep His commands; they are those that follow the guidelines set forth in and throughout Scripture without waiver. Please do not misunderstand. There are and will continue to be those that produce the good fruit, according to God, that still sin. This is clearly seen 1 John 3:6 and has been widely debated due to a misunderstanding of the passage's context. As humans, we are going to sin - POINT BLANK! However, this passage refers to believers that do not sin habitually; those where sin is not a way of everyday life. There are people that claim to be Christians whose fruit shows otherwise due to habitual sin without remorse. TEST THEM!

There is a fine line to draw when testing and rebuking an other's walk (or lack thereof). Our reasoning is to be that found within the scriptures, not our own agendas We must do it in love; we must do it in love with a fervent desire to bring them back into the fold of God's people. They will not always listen and may be subsequently excommunicated from the church should proper, biblical discipline be used. This does not mean that the church should just simply write them off. This process is no to shun them. It is to remove a potentially dangerous influence from within the church. As John MacArthur wrote, "regard [them] as an evangelistic prospect rather than as a brother."

Father, again, thank you for Your Son. Thank you for loving us first by the blood of Your Son. Thank you for seeking us out. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be with You in eternity. May these words I write be Yours and Yours alone.

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